Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Google Update Underway: But For Payday Or Panda? on July - 4 - 2013

A major update might be going to effect your ranking and traffic.

Name of this update is "Underway" So be ready to see client's lots of query!

Read more at Search Engine Land

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Should Use Only Keywords in Meta

We almost know each and everything about SEO but still we are not updated what Google want to see changes required by us.

  Still we were using only to have targeted keywords, but this is not enough at all.
   Left Side Screenshots shows search results of "San Francisco Bicycle" that is our target to have in Title.
   Apart from this, we need to make sure that we ae giving some extra that a user want to really have when visiting to website. This should be something that shown with underline in each Description. However these are not targeted search terms but always gives a boost to convert search impressions to Click and divert traffic to your website.

Same thing works when we have E commerce websites. For this another image shown in Right side which describes that how we can put great ideas for showing website with great impression in SERP.

Search Engine Optimization is not necessary but it is the need of today in competitive market. And when we take an e-commerce website as an example then it is very necessary to have SEO with updated information.

This time is realy to update SEO strategy and become the leader in coming world of SEO.
Mail me to know about more.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Heading Requirement in Content

We have seen that What is SEO ? and some about the Google Analytics . But the major thing is that are we offering a best Quality content in Our Website.
Yes! content is a major term that is require to have and SEO all Time need to get attention of users. It might be possible in case we have a good attractive, informative information to share with user. As per all the time need I am discussing here a good panel of SEO which is Heading requirement in Content for On Page SEO Optimization.
There are 6 types of Heading has structured as below :

Main Heading

Sub Heading 1

Sub Heading 2

Sub Heading 3

Sub Heading 4

Sub Heading 5

A Crawler gives importance to Heading when searches dat all over the internet. We need to remember to use Heading in our Post. The most upper Heading has more significance than lower one. So we can use our keywords over here to promote our site as well.